John T Armstrong
Is our illustrious Chairman & Founder. He currently holds 22 patents in the RFID and communications space. His passion is to find the “impossibles” and turn them into reality. As he sees the world, the harder the problem, the more interesting it is!

At the heart of what we do, we believe in a world that works for everyone. We believe in contribution to all, as well as to be contributed to. We have built a team of exceptional leaders leading leaders. We pride ourselves on our integrity, not just our skills.
How We Came to be
John has been in the RFID space for decades – 4 decades to be exact – and he has witnessed many cycles of development this technology has undergone. While solving the non-trivial problem of achieving 100% coverage for 24/7 tracking, John saw that the the industry was ripe for disruption in the form of “Fixed Infrastructure” or “Hands-Free” tracking. However, there were numerous technical hurdles to overcome, namely, the complexity of power supply modification for new installations on the ceiling. He had the brilliant insight to integrate RFID sensors into existing lighting power sources.
In that moment, the idea for our company was born.
Rigor & Passion
That is what we bring to our engineering R&D process. We believe in surpassing quality and performance standards so that our clients have an exceptional all around experience.
Engineering R&D
Hire the best of the best engineering talent. We can help you with projects as small as customized PCB layouts to final production implantable medical devices, and of course RFID sensors and tags.
Full-Scale Deployment Consultation
We’ve been through it all… If you are having difficulties in your enterprise deployment, give us a call. Chances are we know what you are going through. We have succeeded where others have failed.
Call us either mid-deployment, or as a pre-deployment consultation.
Marketing Expertise
Leverage our existing sales & marketing channels. Do you have a complementary product that you want to join forces to market?
Let’s discuss.
Intellectual Property Strategy
We offer consultative services to do deep dives on your next move in executing effective IP strategy.
Buyouts, licensing, marketing, product development, competitive positioning, and more…
have an engineering project in mind?
If you have a great idea you need help bringing into reality, reach out to us. Whether it is a small or big project, we are happy to see how we can help. We also provide consultation on Intellectual Property portfolio strategy (buyouts, licenses, marketing, product development, etc).
Reach out below and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
Why Fixed Infrastructure vs.
The Competition
“Fixed Infrastructure” deployments enable users to be able to accomplish 24/7 tracking within 100% of the physical space.
This one time deployment eliminates the need for labor intensive maintenance or human error, and – to many employees’ delight – also relieves employees of the monotonous task of scanning each item hand by hand.
Simplicity, Elegance
Similar to how barcodes replaced handwritten receipts as the primary mode of tracking (and subsequently unlocked an entire world of transactional analysis spurring modern day analytics-driven marketing), RFID will also displace barcodes.
We envision similarly explosive innovation will be enabled by 100% real-time location data. Innovations such as true omni-channel, Intelligent Manufacturing, instant shipment verification, predictive analytics, and much more.
Whereas other RFID technologies may have suffered spectacular failures due to the complexity and lack of planning around unforeseen invisible challenges, our patented system eliminates that risk almost entirely.
interested in a factory or R&D HQ tour?
We are happy to arrange for tour of our factory or R&D facilities in California.
200+ years
Team Experience
23 awards
Some History On John’s Inventions…
Ion Cyclotron Double Resonance Technique for Monitoring Gas Phase Reactions.
Data Compression Method using N Quadrature Folding
Holographic Image Resolution Enhancement for Satellites.
Optical Synthetic Aperture Heterodyning Technique.
Coherent X-Ray Laser (with John Hockert).
Ultra-low power Data Slicer with DC removal for UHF Receiver
CMOS logic “single IC” based Switching Power Supply
Means to reliably tune Ultrasonic Aluminum Wire-bonding Machine – achieved < 1/106 Bonds under 3g pull strength
CMOS Frequency Synthesizer IC incorporating:
Variable Modulus Pre-scaler Early Decoded Frequency Dividers High Frequency P Channel FET mixer for Synthesizer, Improved Type 1 “non-linear filtered” Phase Detector for Synthesizer, Hardware Efficient Lock Detector for high speed Channel Change PLL, and Q multiplied VCO implementation for low phase noise.
LFSR (PNG) Auto Synch Scrambler/Descrambler for Digital Voice
Micropower 12-bit (12 bit useable) 10kSps.SAR A/D converter
Temperature Compensated Augmented Phase Demodulator using Glass Delay Line
Wide Voltage and Temperature Range Hybridized Power Supply Battery Charger – 90-25VAC or 30-330VDC in, 12V out; 3W/cu-in. to fast charge NiCad over -20° C to +70° C operating range.
Directional Intrusion System using SSB Doppler Processor
Micro-tunable Lo Noise PLL technique using Digital Vernier Approach
Peel resistant NiCr Au Ni Cu Ni Au Plating System for Hi Power Hybrid Transmitter
AC to DC Converter using controlled reactance. Low mass AC Line Coupler for Data over Powerline.
Position Reporting on Background Emission – low power means to locate moving vehicles in 3D space using existing HF emitters in NYC.
Digital HF Transceiver System (for Gould Navcom) – utilizing A/D conversion at IF, Software Defined Radio.
Theoretical model for oscillator pulling/pushing, used to design a high power VCO High Power (1W) Varicap controlled Tx Filter.
1989 – 2011
DMP/NRP Automatic Demodulation of Spread Spectrum Signals created using Linear Feedback Shift Register Generators (with Alan Meghrigian)
QFAST® Patent 5,559,828 issued 24 Sept 1996 – Using Orthogonal signaling to simultaneously send DSSS signal and DS Reference; Provided Coding Gain, Multipath Immunity and “Instant Acquisition” – Suitable for UWB since reference sees the same dispersion as the signal.
Bit Synchronizer achieving equivalence of wired synch within 0.5dB (with John Richert)
UWB signaling system capable of penetrating Titanium for Implantable Insulin Pump.
Resonant Hi Q Wireless Power transmission using Low Coupling Coefficients.
Kipp Information Signaling System (RFID) (Patented) included:
Non-Aloha Techniques for reading Unknown Tags in Large Tag Populations;
Micropower Random White Noise Generator (with John Richert);
Bidirectional RFID communication using QFAST® and Bi-phase
2003 – 2005
Tag Location system using Directional Antennas RFID enhanced Storage Retrieval System
Low Cost, Low Power “single chip” Data Link for Biomedical Telemetry
Used existing IC in 3rd overtone for 1395-1430 MHz WMTS bands
Low Power secure 433 MHz Data Link and Geo-Fencing for Offender Tracking Novel “wrist” band Antenna resonates uses battery case counterpoise.
Generic Approach – 99.8% Efficiency Power Converter for Low Power Applications.
EPC Gen2 RFID based Store Inventory Loss Prevention System – Monitors at Checkout enhance Store and Customer Experience while reducing Shrinkage Directional Item Specific Detection with Video Feedback at Checkout
Coupled Resonator Hi Efficiency Patch Antenna for Rugged (Sewer Cover Mounted) – 915MHz Paging and Iridium Satellite communication for tamper and surge monitoring (Patents filed.)
Uniform Illumination of Retail Space results in100% readability 24/7 – Using low cost RFID readers.
RFID Jewelry Tag using slotted Antenna Approach (Pat. Pending)
Tag Location System Licensed Position Reporting by Background Emission Multidimensional ‘Tag Space’ analysis to obtain proximity without needing range.
2014 – Current
RFID made Easy – (MonsoonRF Lantern™) Embedding RFID in lights to eliminate installation cost: Antenna + RFID Reader + Backhaul Mesh Communication
RFID Jewelry Tag using slotted Antenna Approach (Pat. Pending)
RFID Jewelry Tag using slotted Antenna Approach (Pat. Pending)
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